Sunday, 14 November 2010

update 14th Nov

Hi All

So 31 has now operated in pasenger service - a truly momentous occasion. The first double decker on the reopened line and the first in Manchester since the twenties. Thank you to the other crews there today for indulging me in letting me drive the first service on it, which, for the record was 2pm. The car also carried a poppy wreath for most of the afternoon (until it rather unfortunately came loose and dangled in front of the driver's position!). Interestingly, 12 months ago 765 carried the self same wreath on Leeds Day. Which made me think how quickly 12 months has gone by and that the cars in service on that day are now at Beamish and Blackpool.
So for the first time since 1987 we have an all Blackpool fleet. Bizarrely last time we had a Fleetwood car and a promenade car (40 and 600) and this time we have a replica Fleetwood car and a Promenade car - how bizarre. 31 became a Promanade car in this guise, before anyone corrects me!

Interestingly, 31 has operated on 3 Tramways this year and in 2 guises!!

The bus arrangements for Sunday have changed again as well - and for the better.

I shall publish full details on the web later this week


1 comment:

  1. Wow you must be excited.

    Two posts in a month you haven't managed that since June!
