Sunday, 20 December 2009

Sunday 20th December

The operational year ended in whiteout as you can see from the pics! We tried in vain to get 752 and 6 coupled together to break the ice but we got as far as just past depot points and had to give up. Possibly the first time ever that service on HPT has had to be curtailed due to excess snow. It put aroung 6 inches down in the short time we were there.

A wonderful and rare shot of Leeds 6 and Blackpool 752 in the snow. The 2 cars coupled together revived memories of the photos of 6 always oin tandem on the streets of Leeds and usually coupled to something!

An idea of what we were battling - OK its not exactly Normay, but its deep enough when you're trying to revive a grounded Tram!

The snow coming in as we wrestled with the point blade - lots of hot water and elbow grease! (OK so I'm taking the photo rather than helping, somebody had to take the pics, but I did fetch a cketle of boiling water!!)

Total whiteout toward sdepot - beautiful.

Just as we managed to get the Trams back in 2 hardy souls turned up 'Oh, aren't you running?'

So, here's to 2010. We are now closed until January 10th.

I hope to have the full diary of events online over Christmas.

In the meanitime compliments of the season from a wonderful Chritmassy Heaton Park.

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